Service Area

Primary Service Area

The primary service area of Monroe Fire Company is Monroe Township.

Every day, the volunteer fire service relies heavily upon the help of responders from neighboring emergency services organizations. Automatic and mutual aid are agreements to provide assistance at an incident scene. This partnership is deeply rooted in the tradition of the volunteer fire service of “neighbors helping neighbors”.

Automatic Aid

Automatic aid received includes a fire department receiving aid from an outside fire department that was dispatched automatically based on a prior agreement between two jurisdictions. This typically means that the fire departments were dispatched at the same time.

Automatic aid provided is when fire departments are automatically dispatched to give aid to an outside fire department based on a prior agreement between two jurisdictions. This typically means that the fire departments were dispatched at the same time.

Mutual Aid

Mutual aid received is when the primary fire department requests mutual aid from an outside fire department.

Mutual aid provided is when a fire department gives aid to an outside fire department upon request by the primary fire department.

Cumberland County Special Teams

Special operations may be outside the daily response capabilities and expectations of a single primary service entity. These services are commonly rendered by a county special response team. The special teams are comprised of personnel from emergency response agencies across the county.